Complete updated list of AA Driving School branches in Kenya (2025)

AA Kenya has expanded exponentially in the last two years. Here is a complete 2025 updated list of all the AA Driving School locations and telephone numbers nationwide.

BranchLocationPhone Number (+254)
HEAD OFFICERenaissance Corporate Park, 8th Floor (Upper hill)0709933801
BamburiBuilding next to Naivas Bamburi, Old Malindi Road0111422141
Bee CentreManyanja House, 2nd Floor0759966573
BometKoma Plaza, 2nd Floor0759964778
BungomaNew Nyanza Building, 1st Floor0790281556
BuruBuruGemuwa House, Ground Floor0709333003
BusiaBenna plaza ltd next to Equity Bank0790282711
CBD (Nairobi)Agriculture house, 4th floor – Harambee Avenue0709333129
ChogoriaBuilding opposite National Oil petrol station0794831901
ChukaMutegi Murango Building, Ground Floor0709333023
DianiMums Plaza, 1st Floor0717215466
DonholmSahara Business Centre, 1st Floor0759967751
EastleighCooperative bank building, 1st Floor – Yare Plaza0707862183
EldoretFims Building, 2nd floor0709333010
Eldoret, Highlands MallHighlands Mall, 1st Floor0709333010
EmbakasiAA House, Catherine Ndereba Road0709933901
EmbuEastern Emporium Building, 3rd Floor0709333019
FedhaDiamond Business Centre, 1st Floor0759964778
GarissaTashriq Plaza, 1st Floor0790285877
GilgilBuilding next to Chiwaka Supermarket, Ground floor0799565741
GithunguriKaru Annex, 2nd Floor0797177920
Githurai 45Mwiki road opp Train station main gate0111422836
HomabayGlory Plaza, 1st Floor0111422243
HurlinghamAPA Arcade, 3rd floor0709933000
IsioloNyota Building, 1st Floor0790286547
Jogoo RoadKCB Building, Ground Floor0790589668
JomokoThika West Centre, Ground Floor0741921029
JujaJuja Square,3rd Floor0769232599
Kahawa SukariMizpah Building0709333026
Kahawa WendaniIzak building, 2nd floor, Kahawa Wendani stage0709333004
Kahawa WestDSM Centre, 1st Floor0759743407
KakamegaAmbwere Towers, 2nd floor0709333014
KangemiEquity Building, 1st Floor0717215421
KapenguriaPaves Towers,1st Floor0759401277
KapsabetGrand View House, 1st Floor0712456861
KaratinaBiashara Street opp Karatina Air market, 1st floor0709333016
KarenKaren Square, 2nd floor0757059157
KasaraniTotal Clay city, 2nd floor0709333134
KawangwareTunza Plaza, 2nd floor0757059245
KayoleZentrim Plaza, 3rd Floor0718673894
KenolSilver Co Plaza, 2nd Floor0759962767
KerichoKoinei Plaza,Ground floor0709333012
KerokaSeven B House0709333013
KerugoyaWanjau House, 1st Floor next to bus stage0709333016
KiambuKiambu Post office, 1st floor0709333021
KikuyuEureka Towers, 3rd floor0709333031
KisiiThe Place Building, 3rd floor0709333013
KisumuTivoli centre, 2nd floor0709333009
KitaleAmbwere House, 2nd floor0709333011
KitengelaKitengela Plaza, 1st floor0709333130
KituiBonus mall, 2nd floor0709333024
Lang’ataLang’ata Shopping Mall, 1st Floor0790285884
LimuruGitungo House, 2nd Floor0718776862
LiteinBelyon Building, Ground Floor0792637997
MachakosTTEN building, 1st floor – Suite no.10709333020
MakongeniAnanas Mall, 1st Floor0790286952
MauaNg’ang’a building Kaciongo, 1st floor0709333018
MeruMuthui Building behind Society stores, Ground floor0709333018
MigoriSafaricom Building, 3rd Floor0790285556
MombasaNSSF Building, Ground floor0709333007
MtwapaFamily Bank Building,1st Floor0709333029
MukurweiniGathatwa building 3rd floor0758696524
Murang’aNgeka Centre, 1st Floor, Room 50746846423
MweaFamily Bank Plaza, 1st floor0793262411
MwikiBuilding next to Business Outlook Plaza, 2nd Floor0790285894
NaivashaWagi House next to NSSF0709333022
NakuruGate House Building, 2nd floor0709333008
Nakuru, ShababNyamakoroto Building, 2nd Floor0790520772
NanyukiNational bank building, 2nd Floor0709333025
NarokPJ Building, 1st Floor0709333028
Ngong RoadSilkwood Office Suites, 5th Floor0759962225
Ngong TownBe Energy Petrol Station, Ground Floor0759963210
NyeriLymo Plaza, 2nd floor0709333017
Ongata RongaiTyme Suite Plaza, 4th floor0709333030
OthayaKing’ara’s Building 1st floor above Unaitas sacco0758695176
ParklandsDiamond Plaza 1, 2nd Floor0111426432
RuaiMiranje Building, 3rd Floor0759960798
RuakaRuaka Square, 2nd Floor0759966422
RuarakaTop Brass House 2nd floor along Outering road0709333128
RuiruNew Home centre, 3rd Floor0759166493
ThikaTwinoak Plaza, 2nd floor0709333006
ThindiguaFeruzi Tower, 3rd Floor0742050931
UtawalaKimson Plaza, 1st Floor0759960473
Village MarketVillage Market Complex, Ground floor0709333002
WestlandsSarit Centre, 2nd floor0709333001
ZimmermanBlessed House, Ground Floor0759968679

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